Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Dying Civilization: The AIDS Epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa

AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa is a huge deal. Making Change Now
provides AIDS Education in Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa has more
 people die from AIDS per year than anywhere else in the world.
Photo by:  
For thirty years, AIDS has become one of the deadliest epidemics in modern human history.
According to "Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World," As of 2007, two-thirds of the HIV\AIDS cases in the world were found in Sub-Saharan Africa, and it was estimated that in 2007 alone, there were 1.7 million AIDS related deaths in the region." (1)
The disease hits those from all class ranks in the area from the poor to the most educated, and life expectancy as taken a real tumble in the area averaging only 40 years of age. states the impact of AIDS on people who live in Sub-Saharan Africa is widespread, from life expectancy which I just mentioned, to households losing money because they are having to care for sick loved ones, overcrowded hospitals or not enough medical resources, children not able to finish school due to caring for sick loved ones or being sick themselves and dying, starting work young (age 15), and finally economic development is largely impacted because productivity is stalled,or even reversed due to the disease in various parts of the region.
Prevention has become a large part of life in Sub-Saharan Africa. Condom distribution, HIV testing and counseling both mandatory and voluntary, and also teaching mothers who have HIV how to prevent transmission on HIV\AIDS to their children.
Punishments have also been put in place in Africa for homosexuality as a way to prevent HIV\AIDS from occuring. The worse punishments are in the Sudan, "Flogging and imprisonment [Death penalty or life imprisonment for third offense]" (2) and in Mauritania, "Death by public signing" (2) Other areas imprison those who are caught in homosexual acts or even put them into labor camps.
The following is a timeline of the AIDS epidemic in Southern Africa: (Sorry I couldn't find one for just Sub-Saharan Africa)
Photo from:
Do you believe the punishments in Africa are too strict? How would you prevent HIV\AIDS? Do you think the precaution measures are good? How so?

      Works Cited
     (1) Rowntree, et al. Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011
     (2)  MSM and HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Web.
          (c) 1986-2014 (

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